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Sep 17, 2010

BritePic - ads in your pictures

What is BritePic?

* BritePic adds interactivity and ads (if you want them) to the photos on your website.
* BritePic is free and easy to use.
* If you’re an HTML coder, use BritePic instead of the <img> tag.

What kind of interactivity?

BritePic adds the following features to the images on your website:

* Email this image
* Link to this image
* Embed this image (you still get the ad revenue, even if your pic is embedded elsewhere)
* Zoom in and out (see demo)
* Captions that slide out when you hover over the pic
* Ads from AdBrite
* Link the image to another URL
* Subscribe to RSS
* Rate this image (coming soon)
* View gallery (coming soon)
* Discuss this image (coming soon)
* Accessibility features for visually impaired (coming soon)
* And more…

This is how BritePic HTML code looks like

Using BritePic

Click here to register, or sign in to get your BritePic ID. Then simply embed images into your site using the following HTML:

Sep 14, 2010

Google logos

Google has it's own official archive of all Google logos. From 2000 till now. For all holidays, topics and occasions.

Some examples:

25th Anniversary of Buckyball - (Global)

First day of Summer, Northern Hemisphere Part 2 - (Selected Countries)

100th Anniversary of Django Reinhard's Birthday - (France, Belgium)

Leonardo Da Vinci's Birthday - (Global)

Check out official Google archive of Google logos HERE! It's really cool :)